Monday, February 8, 2016

big dumb idiot

I'm a big dumb idiot.

You guys remember this? 

And yes, I know how insanely douchey that sounds. 


In that post I said things like, "I'm really starting to make better choices... I'm taking less risk now... I'm becoming more consistent." 

Well, then this happened.

My account fell off a cliff, then fell some more. It sucked. 

Took me most of a year, with some breaks, to build up $20k. 

Took me three and half weeks to lose $18,000.

Once again, I got cocky. I wasn't satisfied with the few hundred+ dollars I was making per trade and I wanted bigger wins. I didn't get them. Instead I got a huge loss, followed by several more huge losses.

This is where I'm at now.

Up approximately $15k in three months. Almost wiped out all of my losses once again and back to normal.

I don't think I really have a point to make in the post. I just wanted to keep you informed. If I'm not posting blogs it probably means I'm losing a TON of money. 

Trading isn't all cotton candy and roses. It can absolutely destroy your morale and self esteem.
There are days I think I'm the smartest man alive... and there are days I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.

Trading is educated gambling. Unfortunately, I love taking risks for the potential reward.
Not everyone can lose a new car, only to make it back right away, just to repeat the cycle again later.

The majority of folks would walk away from trading/investing after a big loss and never touch the market again. I don't blame them. There's days I can actually see my hair turning gray while sitting at my computers. Is it all worth it? I don't know yet, I guess I'll only find out when I'm either rich or broke... or when the old lady makes me quit. #shoutout #bae #yolo

Trading isn't easy, but it is simple. 

I think everyday I'm becoming a better trader and especially a better risk manager (aka emotion manager). It has a lot to do with maturity and discipline. I'm not there yet... I'm still stubborn. But, I'm growing and I love it. 

Do what you love and the money will follow.

SIDE NOTE: I need to give a shout out to my friend Casey Rosenblatt. He took some recommendations from my twitter and made bank on his TVIX trade a few weeks back. 

That made me feel great. I truly enjoy helping people with finances, trade ideas, etc., so please come to me when you ever have any questions or want to bounce trade ideas around!

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER:  @wolfofwalmart



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